Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tips For Keeping Your Teen Safe

Tips for Keeping Your Teen Safe
As parents we worry about the safety of our children, and wonder what our role is in keeping our new drivers safe.

The following tips will guide you as you help your teen become a safe driver: 
 To provide both you and your teen with a framework for setting and enforcing effective rules, it's a good idea to create a written Parent/Teen Driving Agreement.Even under the best conditions, driving has its risks.Special situations or hazards arise, paying attention to driving and making good decisions become even more vital.Teach your teen to keep a margin of safety around the vehicle, look for a way out and develop a plan of action to avoid crashes.

Simple safety tips can restore your peace of mind.


    * 1. Shred documents, envelopes or papers that show personal information such as your name and address.
    * 2. Buy a lock for your letterbox to reduce the risk of your mail being stolen.
    * 3. Keep your PIN number in a safe place and separate it from your credit card.


    * 1. Keep the police phone number displayed in a prominent place and stored in your mobile.
    * 2. Leave your spare key with a trusted neighbor, never outside.
    * 3. Keep plants trimmed to ensure a good view of your house.
    * 4. Make sure you have outside lighting on your property.
    * 5. Always check the identification of callers before admitting them to your home. If uncertain, ask for the phone number of the organization they represent in order to phone and check their credentials.
    * 6. Avoid buying goods or getting any work done by strangers who call at your home unsolicited.
    * 7. If you are often away or out late, install time-activated switches on the TV and lamps.


    * 1. Check the back seat before getting into the car and lock all of the doors once you are inside.
    * 2. Don't attach your name and address to your keys.
    * 3. Always have your car keys in your hand as you approach your car.
    * 4. Park in well-lit areas. Get a parking permit if you are frail.
    * 5. Keep your petrol topped up on long trips.                                                                                   

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